I am very happy with the progress that I have made up to this point in the semester. The material's level of difficulty from one unit to the next (sourced from the Indonesian Ministry of Education and Culture) is decidedly increasing. That is, each successive unit (I am currently on the third unit out of four in total) not only builds upon the last but introduces a range of new material that sometimes makes me feel uneasy and frustrated. Nevertheless, the utility of the material is what drives me forward in the endeavor. I use what I have learned every day outside the SDLAP context with my language partner. It is rewarding to be able to apply what I have learned from this course to daily-life activities and scenarios.
In short, my learning plan is effective, and I intend to follow the learning plan's goals and objectives throughout the latter part of the semester.
So far, I have completed in full Unit 6: Describing Humans and Animals and Unit 7: Locations and Directions. Currently, I am on Unit 8: Daily Activities / Hobbies, and I plan to finish this during week 9 of the academic calendar. Once that is accomplished, I will begin Unit 9: Physical Characteristics of Objects and Body Parts.
Unfortunately, I have not been able to fulfill my goal of completing one unit per two weeks. However, this does not impact my learning plan as I have plenty of time to finish the remaining two units. Indeed, I made a conscious decision halfway through Unit 7, which proved to be dense and lengthy, that I would follow the mantra "quality over quantity." I would rather absorb and learn the material to the best of my abilities than to race through the units and learn half as much.
In addition, I worked on my speaking, writing, reading, and listening skills through the units' activities. My favorite exercise is before reading the comic strips, I temporarily ignore the sentences and instead insert my own dialogue according to the pictures at hand. I find this exercise to be challenging and edifying because it forces me to stretch my imagination as well as to tap the depths of my vocabulary reservoir.
In sum, I am staying the course, and will not make any major changes to my learning plan.
Finally, my learning language partner has been indispensable throughout this endeavor. Her presence is a testing ground on which my Bahasa Indonesia has flourished.