Turkish, just as almost any other language has formal and informal ways of saying things. For example there is more than one meaning to "you" in Turkish. For example, if you talk to a close friend or relatives you will use informal you "sen", but if you are talking to older people or to someone you want to show respect then you will use formal you which is "siz" in Turkish. This is one of the characteristics of Turkish language.
Turkish language has many respect words that are frequently used. For example, instead of saying "siz" formal for "you" when talking to a teacher, students use "Hocam" which means "my master" or "my teacher." Then "Bey" and "Hanim" are used after the name and they can be used when speaking to people that are unknown to us or just show respect. Bey is used for addressing a male, and Hanim for addressing a female. For example: "Ayse Hanim, gelebilir misin?" which when translated to English means "Ms. Ayse, could you come?"
Informal way of saying goodbye is "Hosça kal" while formal is "Hosça kalin." Formal way of saying "thank you" is "Tesekkür ederim" while informal is "Tesekkürler." When you want to ask someone for his/her name, informal way of asking is "Adin ne?" while formal is "Sizin adiniz ne?"
When Turkish people meet with their close friends, they usually kiss each other on cheeks, regardless of whether it is man to man, woman to woman or man to woman. It is also a custom to kiss a hand of an older person to show respect.
English language distinguishes between gender specific pronouns such as "she", "he", "it," however, Turkish language does not. Turkish language has only one pronoun for "she/he/it" and that is "o". This makes Turkish language much easier, however, for me as a beginner this causes a lot of trouble because I never know when somebody is referring to "she, he or it." I know that I will understand it from the context of a sentence once I build vocabulary, but for now, I find it very confusing.