Lejla Muhamedagic
SDLC 105
Reflection Paper 1
In order to fully involve myself in the language learning experience I need to be highly motivated as well as very careful about choosing efficient learning strategies. My quiz result says that I am a kinesthetic learner. I agree with this result because I learn most easily and efficiently when I get hands-on experience. I like to incorporate action into my learning experience in order to acquire and retain new information. I would always choose to participate in physical activities such as games, projects or experiments rather than simply sit still in classroom and listen to a lecture.
I retain new information most easily through games. For example, if I need to memorize vocabulary I would make flash cards to turn learning into a game. On one side I would write a word I want to memorize and on the other side I would write the translation of the word. I can also memorize vocabulary easily if I act out vocabulary words rather than simply try to remember the definition. A part of my learning process is to pronounce learned words several times out loud. I like to play crossword puzzle, charades and other word games that challenge me and help me discover new words and meanings. When I write study notes, I need to demonstrate each main point with examples. It is much easier for me to understand the material presented if I associate it with real world examples. If I simply memorize facts, I will not be able to retain such information for a long period of time. Also, if I have to do something that I have not done before, I would prefer someone to demonstrate what needs to be done rather than read it from a manual or listen the task explanation. I acquire new information best by watching others and then trying it myself. I always take notes and I think that it is a great way for me to participate in what I am learning. I use different strategies to help me stay focused on the material, for example I try to make creative notes, use highlighters, sticky notes, draw diagrams etc. Staying focused can be sometimes challenging for me: that is why I need to be provided with various methods of learning: group works, projects, experiments, games etc.
I think that environmental conditions are a very important part of the successful learning process. I perform best if I find my environment comfortable and work with people and students who I get along very well. During a learning process, I usually have a lot of questions and very often I go deep into details. I prefer to be practical and get logical answers to my questions. When it comes to expanding my learning activities I think I should keep a list of the new words I learn so that I can go back and revise them as well as add new vocabulary. This approach actually motivates me to learn more words and build my own dictionary. According to FIRE model, I associate myself best with evaluative model because I expect material to be related to people’s lives, experiences and stories. Also, I dislike learning that is purely theoretical and involves one extended time period of working alone silently. I like to take a break frequently and prefer not to study in one extended time period. I also prefer working in small groups where group members share their thoughts and opinions.
It is very important for me to be physically active in the learning process. I enjoy and learn well from first-hand experience. For me, motivation is one of the core aspects of a successful learning process as well as the choice of effective learning strategies that keep me entertained and focused on the material.