From this weeks reading I learned several key things attributed to effectively learning language. I was not aware how much effort and how difficult it is to speak consonants, vowels, and recognize syllables. For instance the mouth changes from front to back of the throat as well as the tongue changes shapes in its various pronunciations of the primary and secondary cardinal vowels. I believe there are 10 different parts of the mouth or throat that produces the sounds necessary to formulate words and sounds.
In hindsight I guess it is harder than imagined to find syllables. At my ripe age of 22 it is no longer a challenge, but I can see how it can be hard with a syllable usually being larger than a single segment, but smaller than a single word. Now that I am trying to learn a foreign language like Hebrew I recognize the difficulties in finding the syllables. Having a familiarity with a certain language helps finding these syllables and currently I have no idea how to formulate words properly in Hebrew.
I completely agree with the text on its discussion of tone of voice having an impact on how one interprets the other person speaking to them. You can quickly decipher whether the person talking to you is being friendly or stern, just by the inflection and tone of their voice. If it sounds booming and authoritative they are acting stern, if it is softer and is accompanied by a smile then the person is acting friendly.
The section talking about babies and their auditory skills was also very interesting. I have a niece now that is nearly 2 years old and she has been very receptive to voices that she has heard over the last two years. The text argues that babies only respond and take in voices that they are familiar with. Rowan always responds to my family members, but rarely responds to me because she rarely sees me. I am thought of as a stranger in her mind, so she does not actively listen to me. There is also a correlation between her babbling and spoken language. At her age she has maybe 100 plus words in her vocabulary, but she has about 500 babbling words. I have confidence that as she increases in age those babbling words will translate in to words we actually recognize.
Finally is the sad truth that speech can wrong at any point in one’s life. You can have 60 years of great speech, but one stroke can cause a person to lose everything they have accumulated over those previous years. Speech is a very fragile thing, it is great to have so we must all be grateful for it. Hopefully none of us will ever have to experience the problems mentioned in the text with speech problems and acquisitions.