I began learning Hindi while I was in India last semester. There I took Hindi classes for three hours every day and was immersed in the language outside the classroom as well. Writing this now, the term “immersed in the language” sounds much more romantic than the reality actually was. In India, my Hindi “language immersion” is well exemplified by the everyday rickshaw experience:
Step 1: Ask if the rickshaw driver will take you to your destination. If he understands your stumbling Hindi and therefore doesn’t drive away, proceed to step 2
Step 2: Ask how much the rickshaw ride will cost. When the rickshaw wallah says about 100 to 200 rupees more than the cost is supposed to be because you have bright red hair and are obviously not a local, proceed to step three.
Step 3: BARGAIN. This may take some time. Some insistence of बहुत ज़्यादा है! (That is too much!) or pleading मै छात्र हूँ ! (I am a student!) may be useful.
Step 4: Once you have settled on a price, be prepared to give directions to your destination. Knowing how to say go left, turn right, straight ahead is very useful. Or, be prepared to ask the rickshaw driver to pull over so that a random stranger on the street can give the rickshaw driver better directions than you can in Hindi.
Step 5: When you arrive at your destination, make sure you know how to ask for change from your rickshaw wallah, who might otherwise not be so forthcoming.
Repeat, at least twice a day to and from school, or more if you choose to go anywhere else.
To me, language immersion came to mean being put in situations where I was forced to use my limited language skills, or I wouldn’t be able to get home, for example. I am happy to say that within a few weeks of being in India, I was able to go about this task without too much difficulty. It is also worth mentioning that as my Hindi became better, bargaining became less necessary, as Hindi speakers really appreciate and respect foreigners learning their language. Many rickshaw drivers were incredibly excited and enthusiastic about my learning Hindi; if they knew a bit of English, they would try to teach me some new Hindi phrases.
Being thrust into an environment where the main language was Hindi was extremely frustrating at times. Simple tasks could become lengthy undertakings due to the language barrier, so it was important to keep a positive attitude. At the same time, being surrounded by the language at all times was extremely helpful as a learner. I know I picked up many phrases and words simply by hearing them repeatedly in everyday interactions. This constant exposure will be something I will have to improvise at Richmond, listening to Hindi CDs, watching Hindi television, and talking with my language partner. I was ecstatic when I was in India and the language finally began to click and I was able to follow and participate in exchanges of conversation. The excitement at knowing my Hindi generally faded quickly through some humbling experience or another (Example: riding in a car for seven hours with my teacher's four year old daughter whose Hindi put mine to shame!) but overall I left feeling satisfied with the progress I had made during my time in India.
It is best for me to speak the language when learning. I do not find it very difficult to memorize new words or tenses on paper, but have a hard time recalling them quickly in order to speak well. Thus, I think my time with my language partner will be most helpful. When I am not working with my language partner, I will need to make it a point to look at something Hindi related everyday, whether it be a movie clip or flash cards, etc. in order to keep refreshing and expanding my knowledge of the language.