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SDLC 110: Learning Journal #13

I continued to read more articles on the news regarding economics in Korea.

I also had long phone conversations with each of my family members not only to catch up with them but also to practice Korean.

Here are a list of some of the economic/professional terms I came across while reading this week:

투자활동으로 인한 현금흐름  - cash flows from investing activities

단기차입금의 순증감 - proceeds from short-term borrowings

장기차입금 및 사채의 상환 - proceeds from long-term debt and debentures 

재무활동으로 인한 현금흐름 - Cash flows from investing activities 

이자의 수취/배급 - Interest received/paid

My vocab is broadening at a pretty good rate and I feel that I have come a long way in bettering my speaking skills and writing skills.

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Week 8 -- Learning Activity

  • Create a learning activity to teach someone else something you have learned in your language; outline this activity in your learning journal; teach someone using this activity; reflect upon the effectiveness of the activity

Family Tree: 
The activity that I have created is a diagram that is supposed to teach people about family-related words in Indonesian. I enlisted the help of my roommate in order to evaluate my teaching skills.

The Family Tree is one of the tasks in my learning language plan. Over the course of this semester, I have learned: the meaning of family in Indonesia’s culture — especially in Bali. The hierarchy and social structure that tags along with the family. How to introduce them to others, how to introduce myself to them.

As a result, I created a family tree diagram (I was inspired by one that I saw in one of my Indonesian workbooks.) In it, were five branches leading to word bubbles: mom, dad, brother/sister, grandma, grandpa. At the base of the tree, stood a word bubble that represents oneself. For example, I would teach my roommate how to say a few simple self-identification sentences. Next, we would move clockwise and begin with mom, then dad, and so on.

After he had been finished, it was my turn, except I didn't have a piece of paper to write my thoughts on. I had to recite it from the knowledge that I have gained this semester.

It worked fine. I don't know if my roommate remembers any Indonesian sentences or words, but it allowed me to solidify my understanding of the Family Tree.

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110 Learning Journal #14

Summarize your work this semester, the progress you made and the difficulties you encountered

- Turkish expression that I practiced this semester

Greetings/Farewells/Introduction/Identity/Family/Colors/Numbers/Some expressions about traveling

From the very starter of the Turkish learner, although still I cannot many Turkish expression, I now know how to speak some basic stuffs and some expressions about traveling situation.

It was totally different language with English or Korean, it took more time to get used to it. Memorizing all new expression is quite hard, I should keep practicing not to forget the expressions. 

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105: Learning Journal #10

I did not realize how bad I was at writing and reading Korean until I took this Self-Language course. There were so many vocabulary words that I have never heard of and I made numerous grammar mistakes while studying with my language partner. Also, I attempted to read a full news article in Korean but I have failed to completely understand an entire article as of yet. However, I did improve on these flaws and learned a lot more vocabulary and words that Koreans my age should be speaking, reading, and writing in Korea. Additionally, my reading has improved by texting my mom in Korean and reading a lot of news articles as of late due to the political turmoil that is going on in South Korea. The issue at hand is very interesting and it helped me engage in on the articles that I picked out. 

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110 Learning Journal #13

- Learning goals of this week: situation in transportation

I made some situation that could happen in Turkish transportation then translate it in Turkish and practiced it by keeping speaking and writing the expressions.

These are examples for expressions in Turkish

ex1) (In the taxi) ~~~ please

ex2) Can you drop me off ~~~

ex3) How much do I owe you?

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110 Learning Journal #12

- Learning goals of this week: situation in the street

I made some situation that could happen in Turkish street then translate it in Turkish and practiced it by keeping speaking and writing the expressions.

These are examples for expressions in Turkish

ex1) Excuse me

ex2) Where is the nearest ~~~

ex3) Which way is ~~~

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105: Learning Journal #9

As a bilingual myself, I would love to say that I am smarter than most people. However, the reason why I disagree with this slightly is because I believe having the knowledge of being able read, write, and speak in another language is similar to having exceptional knowledge in a particular subject. Also, growing up in a multi-cultural environment, it was easy for me to learn two languages at once. It is extremely beneficial and advantageous in many ways. However, I believe that if anyone else was in my position growing up, he/she will not have a difficult time learning two languages. Of course, this is different if someone grew up knowing only one language and picked up a new language after he/she has matured. This is more difficult so the faster someone learns a new language, I believe the smarter he/she is. 

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110 Learning Journal #11

- Learning goals of this week: situation in the restaurant

I made some situation that could happen in Turkish restaurant then translate it in Turkish and practiced it by keeping speaking and writing the expressions.

These are examples for expressions in Turkish

ex1) I would like to order now

ex2) Can I have the bill please?

ex3) What do you recommend here?

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110: Artifact #4


For my final artifact, I reached out to my kindergarten best friend from Korea. When I moved to America in 2003, we lost touch but whenever my family and I went back to Korea for a vacation, we met up with his family. However, the last time I went to Korea was in 2010 so since then, I did not have any contact with him. So I decided to search him up on Facebook and message him. Fortunately, we got in touch and shared a short conversation. He is currently serving his mandatory Korean military service so he did not have much time to message me but we talked about how army was for him and how I was going to be in Korea next semester studying at Yonsei University. It was awesome talking to him in Korean and we planned to meet next year when I will be at Yonsei. I attached a segment of our conversation above. 

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110 Learning Journal #9

From this week to the end, I just started my expression about Traveling. 

- Learning goals of this week: situation in the airport

I made some situation that could happen in Turkish airport then translate it in Turkish and practiced it by keeping speaking and writing the expressions.

These are examples for expressions in Turkish

ex1) what's the purpose of your visit? / I'm just traveling

ex2) how long are you staying? / I'm staying for 2 weeks

ex3) how do I get to subway station?

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Learning Journal 14 -- 2016

  • Learning Journal 14:  Summarize your work this semester, the progress you made and the difficulties you encountered.

I have learned a great deal this semester. Since I have successfully accomplished all tasks in the language learning plan, the learning plan will be my guide to walk you through what I have learned this semester. 

I started as a "novice low" when I first took on this challenge. I had set out some ambitious goals. Ultimately, in the broader scheme of things, I had this to say:

         In the future, I want to continue taking Bahasa Indonesia at U of R until I graduate, and perhaps continue my learning process for a while thereafter. I believe that Indonesian will be a big part of my life moving forwards. 

My tasks were:

1. "Greetings": That is, to introduce myself — name, age, where I am from, etc. — and to introduce others (who are they, their age, where they are from, etc.) as well as personal identification: I am a student, what I study, basic hobbies, etc.

2. "Family Tree": Meaning, the meaning of family in Indonesia’s culture — especially in Bali. The hierarchy and social structure that tags along with the family. How to introduce them to others, how to introduce myself to them.

3. "Telling Time, Date, and Counting": How to ask for the time, How to tell the time. How to count to a reasonable extent. How to ask for the date, How to tell the date. Know the months and days of the week.

4. "Survival Language": That is, functional language. For example, things you need to learn when your language breaks down. 

More than not, I put in about 2 hours of "academic" work each week. These hours were dedicated to learning the tasks outlined above. For each task, I consulted two great sources, one from the Indonesian Ministry of Culture and Education and the other from Global Studio. In addition to these sources, I listened to audio of Indonesian phrases and dialogue. 

However, I believe I learn the most outside these contexts. My girlfriend and I chat in Indonesian every day. And we talk about topics far ranging in scope. I cannot stress enough about the pedagogic advantages this unique situation has given me. Furthermore, I am taking a music course called "Global Repertoires," and one ensemble in it is gamelan -- a musical idiom native to Indonesia. Here too I have learned a great deal about Indonesian culture. 

As for my tasks, I believe that I have accomplished what I envisioned just a few months ago. Now, I have a brand capability and a solid foundation on which to build in the future. For example, Greetings, Family Tree, Survival language are some topics with which I am comfortable. I am confident that should I need to speak about these topics, I would be able to. On the other hand, however, Telling Time, Date, and Counting challenges me yet still. Perhaps, this is because I am terrible at math and numbers are just not my thing.

All in all, I have learned a great deal this semester, and I look forward to continuing my pursuit of learning Indonesian. 





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110: Cultural Post #8

I learned a lot after seeing my fellow students' presentations on their respective languages. I knew most of the material that was covered regarding the Korean culture but I learned something new about the Turkish culture. Zeno, my classmate, talked about how weddings are run in Turkey. Growing up in Korea, I am well aware of the unique wedding ceremony that all Koreans go through. However, I did not know other countries did the same. Turkey has an extremely long wedding ceremony that lasts couple of days. It also involves coffee a lot which was very interesting. When I think of coffee, Turkey does not come into mind at all. It was interesting to learn that other countries have their own unique wedding ceremonies. 

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110: Artifact #3

For my third artifact, I watched a Korean movie (which I haven't watched for years), and decided to review it. I chose the movie New World (Shin-Se-Gye) because it shows the culture of businessmen (and the mafia). Right away, I could easily sense the difference of respect levels within a corporation in Korea. Younger employees or employees with a lower rank will always bow to their superiors and treat them almost like kings. This is unseen in America. Also, there are not many women in this movie. This shows how Korea is still behind on gender equality in the workplace. I also learned a couple of Korean words that are often used in business. One of these words is 권능 (gwon-neung) which means "authority". This word was used when the characters were referring to others with higher or lower authorities. Another one was 수입 (soo-eep) which means "income". This word was said several times in the movie as well. 

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110 Learning Journal #10

- Learning goals of this week: situation in the hotel

I made some situation that could happen in Turkish hotel then translate it in Turkish and practiced it by keeping speaking and writing the expressions.

These are examples for expressions in Turkish

ex1) I'm checking in

ex2) I made a reservation for staying

ex3) What time is the checking out

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SDLC 111 Learning Journal #6

In the last week, we learnt more vocabulary on Korean foods, and the proper sentences that we should say before eating and after eating when we are invited to dinner. Following are the names of Korean food we have learnt:

  • 김밥 gim-bap  sushi
  • 불고기 bul-go-gi    marinated beef
  • 김치 gim-chi         kimchi
  • 케익 ke-ik     cake
  • 삼겹살 sam-gyeop-sal     sashimi
  • 치킨 chi-kin  chicken
  • 굴 gul   oyster

Here are the sentences that Koreans normally would say before and after they eat:

  1. 잘 먹겠습니다. ( jal meok-ge-sseum-ni-da)

         I am ready to eat

        2.  맛있어요! ( ma-si-sseo-yo!)

        It tastes good!

        3. 잘 먹었습니다. ( jal meo-ge-sseum-ni-da.)

        I am done.

        4. 더 주세요 (deo ju-se-yo)

       I want more

I think the new knowledge we have learnt about dining is very useful since I could hear my Korean friends say these during every meal. Now I could say these to them when we have dinner together. 

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110: Artifact #2

For my Artifact #2, I read an article about the ongoing situation in South Korea. The reporter talks about the relationship between the South Korean president, Park Geun Hye, and a mysterious woman named Choi Sun Sil. They first met through Choi's father, Choi Tae Min who was a religious cult leader in Korea decades ago. Father Choi had a close relationship with Park's father Park Jung Hee, who was a former president/dictator of South Korea. After a lot of investigation, it was discovered that current President Park has been giving Choi Sun Sil access to highly classified information. Further, Choi has been using Park Geun Hye as a "puppet" to control a lot of political decisions and what not. This fueled an enormous protest by South Koreans that has been going on for almost a month now. 

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110: Artifact #1

12746831697?profile=originalFor my first artifact, I screenshotted a conversation I had with my mom in Korean. I never text her in Korean so this really helped me get better with writing (typing) in Korean. 

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105 Learning journal #10

For Turkish, as I mention before, I have never experienced that language so it is totally new language for me. For about reading, it is quite similar to English alphabet so I could just literally "read" and pronounciate the words and sentence. However I am really starter of learning Turkish, so I almost cannot understand what does that mean. Only after learning some words or expression, I could tell the meaning about the language. Writing is totally same situation, just after learning some words then I could write that sentence or expression. More formative or organized writing is kind of impossible for me. However, it is not my personal goal about learning language, so I do not mind. Just speaking is my important option. 

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