Post Final Reflection Paper (500 words):
Reflect on your learning experiences this semester.
(a) What insights have you gained about yourself as a language learner and cultural explorer? What did you find difficult? What have you enjoyed? How will you continue your learning?
(b) Which readings and learning activities did you find most useful? What would you like to learn more about?
As I reflect of my language learning journey for this semester, I think that I have grown tremendously. Before starting this journey, I did have prior, limited knowledge, from my previous language journey during middle school. However, I think that now that I am older and relearning the basics, I find myself understanding concepts and ideas better.
Beginning with my writing. Before starting this journey, I was able to write out the Korean alphabet and write simple things, like my name. Now that I have reached near the end of the semester, I can tell that I have grown. I am now able to write words, simple sentences, and even some complex sentences. So, not only has my writing improved, but also my grammar. During the 110, my language partner gave us several dictation quizzes, which were difficult at the beginning of the course, but is a lot easier to do now.
Reading in my target language has definitely improved as well. I find myself reading every Korean word/phrase/sentence I encounter on a daily basis. Before this journey started, I was able to read very limited words and read them very slowly. Now, I am able to read familiar words/phrases/sentences with ease, though some words may take a little longer, I am still able to read them.
As a language learner and cultural explorer, I find myself, now, more eager to delve into the target language’s culture. I also find myself thinking about a target language’s “big C” and “little c”. As a language learner, I definitely enjoyed learning about the language itself, but also the history of the language and the language culture. I still do find it difficult to completely understand the true nature of a language, but it is still enjoyable when I don’t dwell too deep. Compared to being a language learner, I think being a cultural explorer was more fun and rewarding. Though language is a huge part of culture, I find learning more about the culture of a target language was more interesting and covered unique topics.
Now that I have completed the 105 and 110 course, I plan to continue onto the 111 course, and study more about the Korean language and culture.
The readings that I found most helpful was actually the bilingual articles. Though the understanding of the brain and functions was very intellectual, I find that the articles were more relatable and easier to follow. The learning activity I found most useful was the activity when we were given a vocabulary chart of words, and break the words apart to find out what each part meant (I don’t quite remember the language we were doing). But, it was fun, and I have used that technique when tackling a word I don’t know. By breaking up the word into smaller words, I was able to define it without a dictionary.
I don’t have anything specific that I would like to learn more about, but I am open to learning about new things.