Looking back since the beginning of the semester, I realize that I have made significant progress. I memorized numbers, names of days, months and have put a significant effort into building my vocabulary. However, it is one thing to know the information by heart and another to actually have the ability to use in real life. Therefore, what made me sure that I had gained significant knowledge of the Siraiki language was when I sat in on a Skype conversation my Language Partner was having with his parents. To my utter amazement, I was able to make out decipher almost the entire conversation. In an attempt to track my progress, I have made this part of my weekly task. I often find myself in my language partner’s room, sitting beside him while he Skypes in Siraiki. I try to decipher what he is talking about with the limited knowledge and vocabulary at my disposal. This has become a really fun task, as I am able to make out the topic of the conversation, if not the exact details. At times when I am unable to fully wrap my mind around the conversation, I have to resort to understanding physical queues of my Language Partner. For example, body language, tone of voice and facial expression tend to play a heavy part in allowing me to gain insight into the dialogue. And no, that isn’t cheating.
To add to that, learning Siraiki culture has been the most interesting facet of this course. I used to believe that Siraiki and Urdu culture would be similar. However, I was proved wrong. My own culture places stress on social hierarchy and this is reflected in the Urdu language as well. The verbs and personal pronouns that we use when addressing elders are very different from the ones we use when addressing someone of the same age. Such great stress on social hierarchy is not present in Siraiki culture at all. And this is reflected in the language as well. The verb and personal pronoun usage is same regardless of who is being addressed, whether the person on the other is old or young. This caused me a lot of confusion because I was unable to tell whether my partner was addressing his father or his little brother when he was talking on Skype.
But this undertaking has exposed one major chink in my armor. Although I can understand the gist of a statement or question in Siraiki, I can only respond in bits and pieces and that too with an immense struggle. I feel I still have a long way to go before I am able to become comfortable in speaking Sriaiki and not just understanding it. This will involve me shifting gears at a certain point in the semester from learning the language to practicing what I already know. I feel that is the only way I will be able to become fluent in the language.