I find it very interesting how each article defines the benefits of being bilingual, particularly in the context of what makes up intelligence. It doesn't surprise me that bilinguals are better at quickly making distinctions between two different things, given situations during which they'd have to quickly switch between languages. I am surprised at how far that skill can spread and how many things one factor, executive function, can really be useful for. In a way, that can make a bilingual's existing skills sharper, but I agree with the second article that that really is a more abstract property of intelligence. Certainly an article that says bilinguals are smarter are misleading in making their readers initially think that knowing a second language will make you do better in school.
One part of the second article that really interested me was the mention of knowing one language making it easier to learn another language, as this is something I noticed. When I learned French in middle and high school, not only was I building up my French vocabulary, but I was also learning how to learn a language in general. And while I very seldom use French, this skill alone has helped me a lot in learning languages that are much less related to English, such as when I started learning Korean on my own and when I started Chinese here. Learning Korean on my own and being able to study at my own pace made me realize just how important having an intuitive knowledge of the grammar structure of a language is to being able to speak fluidly and recognizing when one's grammar is "off." That this unconscious skill helps bilinguals not mix up their two languages when speaking makes a lot of sense to me and is also very interesting.