105 Reflection 4:
Describe the phonetic inventory of your target language. Are there sounds in your language that don’t exist in American English? If so, provide several words and their phonetic transcriptions of words as examples to support your argument. What do you need to know about the sound system of your target language? How will you acquire the ability to discriminate differentiated segments in your listening, and to produce these sounds in your speech?
My target language, Ge’ez, has the same phonetic inventory as my native language, Tigrigna except for one letter, “ha”, that is pronounced with what seems like stronger throat involvement. The letter in IPA is [ʜ] pronounced as [h] in Ge’ez. For example, the word for he dwelt is spelled ሓደረ [ʜɔdrɜ] but because the sound for ሓ is not in Ge’ez it is spelled with an alternative “ha” sound like so ኀደረ [hɔdɾɜ]. Even when ሓ is seen in Ge’ez it is pronounced as [h]. However, intonation is another thing to consider in Ge’ez which I think is not as much of a concern for in Tigrigna...however I have yet to study it. With the word ወረደ [wɜrɜdɜ], it has the same meaning and spelling in Ge’ez and Amharic but the difference is in intonation on the [r]. My teacher told me that there are several types of reading with different intonations used in different situations, however, this is something to be learned in the future and does not always affect semantics.