My journey with a foreign language started in elementary school. I had just entered a new school district, and with such a placement, I was introduced to a range of new students, teachers, buildings, and classes - one of which was a French course. Having had no previous exposure to the French language, I found the course extremely difficult. I could not understand, nor could I infer what the teacher was saying. During my first few weeks of the course, I remember feeling overwhelmed with anxiousness and confusion. I felt as though I was just thrown into the middle of the ocean and told to find land. I was lost and I was struggling.
Prior to this new school, I had received extra assistance with reading and writing for English. I had a lot of difficulty sounding out unfamiliar words, spelling, and reading. The black ink seemed to vibrate and shift against the white pages as I read. Soon after I expressed these issues to my family, I was diagnosed with dyslexia. I started receiving the extra assistance and was ultimately exempted from having to take the foreign language at my new school due to the IEP that I was assigned. I was beyond grateful for being exempt from French class. I had a hard enough time learning my own language that to learn a different language seemed impossible. If I was having so much trouble with English, how was I supposed to learn a language that had entirely different sounds and rules?
So, for the following six school years, I did not take a foreign language course. Instead, I had one-on-one reading and writing tutoring. Looking back on my experiences now, I wish I had tried to pursue another language during my early years of education; however, I do believe that I needed to receive additional aid to strengthen my reading and writing abilities. Nevertheless, once I arrived in high school, I decided I wanted to try learning a language once again. With my reading and writing skills being much stronger, I felt as though I was ready to tackle the process of learning a new language, but I wanted to try a language that seemed entirely different than English as English was hard for me. So, I chose Mandarin.
Originally, I had thought that Mandarin would be a language that I just dabble in and complete for the 2-year high school language requirement. It seemed interesting as it had a symbolically based writing system, and it being the most popular language in the world, I thought it could be useful in the long-run. So, I took Mandarin and I fell in love with the language.
One of the greatest parts of learning Mandarin was my professor, Professor Lin. She spoke very little English, so the entire course, even at the most basic level, was entirely in Mandarin. The first month of the course was challenging as, once again, I found myself in a position of discomfort and confusion. I could not understand what was discussed in class, so I would sit in the classroom slightly. But after about a month, a sort of switch went off in my head. I understood what the teacher was saying, and I knew how to respond. It was as if I had suddenly just gained this translational ability It was an incredible feeling!
Mandarin became a greater part of my life than just a high school course. I would practice it at home by myself. I would watch movies in Mandarin or with Mandarin subtitles. I read about Chinese culture and beliefs and I passionately shared any information with my peers and family. I fully immersed myself within the subject. When I arrived in college, my experiences with Mandarin changed. The classes were heavily focused on grammar, reading, and writing, and although these skills increased, my listening and speaking skills started to weaken. Not only were my college courses not entirely in mandarin, but during class, there were very few opportunities to practice conversing the material recently had learned.
I believe one of the best ways to learn a language is through the application! I can study hundreds of flashcards and sentence structures, but simply learning words from a textbook is an entirely different skill set than constructing sentences in a grammatically correct fashion. I am a tactile and visual learner. I like to observe and process the information I learn, but then apply it in a way that promotes the usage and increases my understanding of it. In high school, I loved having one-on-one classroom discussions with my peers in Mandarin. Not only were we practicing our Mandarin, but we were doing it in a fun, engaging way. By simply conversing with another student, my speaking, recall, sentence construction, and listening abilities all simultaneously strengthen. Having to actually apply what you learn, I believe, is a great tool for moving information from short-term to long term memory.
During college, I have not done much outside of the classroom to enhance my Mandarin skills. I would study for the exams and complete homework, but nothing to the same extent and commitment that I had in high school. It is difficult to find time and others to practice Mandarin with, especially after academically long days. However, with American Sign Language being a language that is represented through actions, I have an exciting method of studying the material in a way that compliments my own learning. I plan to go about my day to day without any major changes, except for when conversing. During conversations, any words or phrases that I know in sign, I will simultaneously sign and speak to enforce the action of the sign and its’ meaning. I also hope to converse with the other student in the ASL course to optimize my usage of sign langue and possibly even joining ASL Champs for the additional practice.