I personally do not believe language is purely a biological phenomenon, but there is a definitely biological phenomenon associated with it. Studies show that damage to specific areas of the cortex correlates with the loss of certain kinds of linguistic ability. Damage to the Wernicke's area, which may result in a reduced ability to comprehend speech, while damage to the Broca's area results in a reduced ability to speak. Basic speech is generally generated in the Wernicke’s area and is then transferred to the Broca’s area for encoding. Our speech production relies on different parts of our brains, even though not every brain is alike, we have extremely similar processes and motors in regard to producing and interpreting language.
I try to best conceptualize or process meaning with context, which is often not provided. In trying to understand a word or phrase on its’ own is a difficult task, especially if it is in a foreign language. In Chapter 30, there is a paragraph about collocations and it discusses how they differ greatly between languages, which makes mastering foreign languages even more difficult. The example given is: in English, we “face” problems, but in Hebrew, we “stand in front of problems”. As a native speaker of Mandarin and someone studying two other foreign languages (Russian and Turkish), I recognize that I generally have the tendency to compare one language to another. With semantic relationships such as lexemes and collocations, comparing two languages generally will not benefit you, especially since they likely will not share the same meaning in certain words. I think this paragraph about gave me a deeper insight to try to think about a language on its’ own rather than trying to compare it to one I am more familiar with. English, Mandarin, and Russian are extremely different from each other and I do not doubt that Turkish would be the same. Although I am not at that level of Turkish to currently think even past the alphabet and certain greetings, I will be much more aware of trying to think of the language as independent, rather than trying to translate it word-for-word into English. In understanding nuances and words, trying to find specific examples of usage would be the most useful for me. There have been many times I translated a word and ended up using it incorrectly in the context with what I was trying to say. I am not really afraid to make mistakes in language, especially since I think that is the best way for one to learn. However, I can learn more by trying to make efforts to find context for a word I want to use in sentence or phrase. Comparing languages can be useful, but sometimes it may not benefit you and have you making more mistakes in comparison to the original thought you had in mind.