Both weeks Emily and I went through the book and we spent some time off campus and spoke Hebrew. I am getting better and feeling much more comfortable speaking and listening to her talk as long as she speaks slowly, which is still annoying for her. :/
| Weeks 8, 9 and 10 |
ימנית | Right |
גרות | Throat |
תינוק | Baby |
אצל | At |
חום | Fever |
להיכנס | To enter |
עצובה | Sad |
כלש | Weak |
כזק | Strong |
לישון | To sleep |
לרוץ | To run |
לרקוד | To dance |
כדאי | Should |
כדי | For |
להיות | To be |
בריא | Healthy |
אסור | Prohibited |
מותר | Allowed |
לפחות | At least |
יותר | More than |
מאח | Brother |
מאחות | Sister |
לריב | To fight |
רבע | Quarter |
חצי | Half |
שלם | Whole |
לשקר | To lie |
חוזר | Return |
לחפש | To look for |
לבקר | To visit |
לשלם | To have pain |
לקבל | To respect |
לצלם | To take pictures |
תחנת | Station |
רחוק | Far away |
מגיעים | Arrive |