Both weeks Emily and I met, we went to Dhall and worked through the workbook. We watch a funny comedy skit where the guys were talking about being abducted by aliens. He made a lot of jokes that I did not understand. Emily and I listened through it all the way through then, we stopped after every sentence to translate I did not know many of the words.
| Week 11 and 12 |
לעצבר | To stop |
קרוב | Close |
ימינה | Right |
הרמזור | streetlight |
חוצים | Cross |
כביש | Road/highway |
בצד | Side |
לרדת | To get off/descend |
ברגל | Walk |
מחפש | Look |
בולים | Stamp |
מכתבים | Letters |
לקולנוע | To film |
חודשים | Months |
שבועות | Weeks |
חלום | Dream |
שמלות | Dress |
מחברות | Notebook |
שנים | Years |
נשים | women |
פקידות | Office workers |
להזמין | To order |
להרגש | To understand |
להתחיל | To begin |
להפסיק | To stop |
להסביר | To explain |
להמשיך | To continue |
בעיה | Problem |
בהצלחה | Good Luck |
לפי דעתך | According to your opinion |
פנקס שקים | Check book |
תור | Appointment |
מנהל | Manager |
לריאיון | To interview |
מונית | Taxi |