Week 9 -- fourth bi-weekly report


My goals/objectives for these past two weeks:

  • Complete chapter 6 “Mencari Pekerjaan” in Indonesian Grammar In Context;
  • Complete chapter 7 “Keluarga Fata” in Indonesian Grammar In Context;
  • Meet with my language partner to work on my reading, writing, and speaking skills; and
  • Create a learning activity to teach someone else something you have learned in your language.

These past two weeks, I have completed:

  • Complete chapter 6 “Mencari Pekerjaan” in Indonesian Grammar In Context;
  • Complete chapter 7 “Keluarga Fata” in Indonesian Grammar In Context;
  • Met with my language partner for four hours to work on my reading, writing, and speaking skills; and
  • Created a learning activity to teach someone else something I have learned in my language.


I spent about 4 hours each week completing a chapter.

I finished Chapter 6 in Indonesian Grammar In Context. I learned the following:

  • The function of the verbal prefix ter-;
  • The conjunction sehingga; and
  • The stative function of the verbal prefix ter-;

The chapter included a variety of activities: Oral tasks, written tables and charts, and writing exercises. In addition to these activities, I took grammar notes and listed new vocabulary words.


I finished Chapter 7 in Indonesian Grammar In Context. I learned the following:

  • Classifiers;
  • The conjunctions sambil, sementara, and padahal; and
  • Intransitive verbs with the meN- prefix.

Both chapters included a variety of activities: Oral tasks, written tables and charts, and writing exercises. In addition to these activities, I took grammar notes and listed new vocabulary words.

In addition, I met with my language learning partner for 4 hours -- 2 hours/week. Our time was spent on engaging in oral conversational activities like role play and dialogue chats, as well as going over new grammar points and vocabulary.

Learning Activity 

Since this is level three, I presumed the person to whom I am supposed to teach this activity has taken at least level two Indonesian. 

I decided to use the normalization of verbs using -nya as the subject for this activity because making nouns by adding -nya to verbs is very common in colloquial conversation. While this activity is rudimentary, I think it is effective in driving the pattern of the subject at hand across. What follows is an outline of this activity:

Background: Thalia ke Denpasar. Lima hari sesudah dia pergi, Thalia bertemu dengan temmanya, Brad.

Thalia: Saya pergi ke Denpasar.

Brad: (Berangkat -- the verb to be transformed into a noun by adding the -nya prefix) Berangkatnya kapan?

Thalia: Berangkatnya lima hari lagi.

Brad: (Pulang) Pulangnya kapan?

And so on.

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