This week my language partner and I focused on a very interesting debate occurring in Sweden concerning the nature of Sweden's very large export weapon industry. We spoke about Sweden's most recent controversy, the proposal of a weapon factory in Saudi Arabia organized by a Swedish company. I learned more about Sweden's successful industry as the largest exporter of weapons for the size of the population. Our discussion focused on what this means for the future of Swedish politics and whether there may be changes in Swedish foreign policy following this controversy.
I read more background information about Swedish 'armed neautrality' status and exclusion from NATO.
5 min radio om vad som hänt:
Different political groups have different views on the topic:
Moderaterna och Socialdemokraterna överens om vapenexport:
Ungdomspolitker argumenterar mot Vapenexport:
Some questions we considered:
Lite frågor som vi kan tänka på:
1) Vad är det som hänt? (What has happened?)
2) Varför avgick Tolgfors? (Why did Tolgfors resign from his position?)
3) Var det rätt att avgå? - verkar han inte vara mer skyldig efter att han avgick?
4) Vad kommer hända nu? (What will happen now?)
5) Vad finns det för argument för vapenexport? (What are the arguments supporting weapon export?)
6) Vad finns det för argument mot vapenexport? (What are the argument against " "?)
7) Vad tycker svenska folket om vapenexport? - spelar det någon roll? (What do the Swedish people feel about weapon export? Does it play any roll?)
8) När är nästa riksdagsval i Sverige? kommer detta påverka den sittande regeringen? (When is the ext parliamentary election in Sweden? Will this controversy affect the upcoming government?)