Week 7 Activities: Swedish Government/ Svensk Regeringen

This week I focused on learning more about the Swedish political system and compared it to the U.S. system. We spoke about the Swedish parliamentary system, the structure, and various roles held by different ministers and departments. I am not expert but I do have a better understanding of the overall structure and can consequently follow news articles better that make references to these government institutions.
A short summary of Swedish political system:
The Swedish government and parliament's website. Very interesting that all this information is available in "lättläst" Swedish or =simple Swedish. This allowed for a very simple introduction for me and also helps non-native speakers easily understand the system.

These are some of the questions we discussed:

Några frågor:
1) Vad gör Riksdagen? (What does the parliament do?)
2) Vad gör Regeringen? (What does the government do?)
3) Vem stiftar lagar? (Who created laws?)
4) Vad är ett departement? (What is a department?)
5) Ge några exempel på departement? (Provide some examples of departments..)
6) Vad gör en minister?  (What does a minister do?)
7) Vilka är de "viktigaste ministrarna i Sveriges regering och vilka partier kommer dom ifrån? (Which are the most important ministries in Sweden?)
8) Vad är det för skillnad mellan en vanlig lag och en grundlag?  (What is the difference between a regular law and a grundlag?)
9) Vad är ett riksdagsutskott? (What is a parliamentary committee?)
We went on to compare the answer to these questions to the U.S. two party presidential system.
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