I focused on understanding the structure of the Swedish education system which has many more divisions than the American system and a very different grading system.I have learned more about the Swedish education system through conversations with my language partner, but also spoken to to a great extent about the differences between American and Swedish education systems.The image to the right depicts the Swedish education system, the levels and ages and transition from one system to another.
Education in Sweden is fully funded by taxes paid to the state, for this reason Swedes and other EU members can attend Swedish primary, secondary, and universities for 'free.' The Swedish education system emphasizes group work, presentation, debate, and encourages creative thinking from an early age. There are many options available to student who d not wish to pursue a strictly academic course of study such as theater, art, design, or construction. These fields receive advanced education and allow for immediate entry into the job market. Some Swedish universities are world renown for their research such as Uppsala University and Karolinska Institute in Stockholm.
I have read Swedish news extensively and begun watching a new comedy called "Anders och Måns." The language is very challenging for my listening skills particularly because the main characters have two very different accents and make many jokes throughout the show.
Image source: http://skolnet.skolverket.se/polopoly/utbsys-eng/