Brad: Kakak perempuanmu tidak sudah menikah. Makanya itu dia bertanya kamu kapan akan menikah.
Jangankan calon istri pun pacar. Saya tidak punya salah satu. Karena itu, saya tidak bisa menikah
Brad: Ah, Masa! Anda tidak berencana memiliki keluarga? Anda mempunyai karir sangat bagus. Dan soal materi Anda? Jangankan mobil pun rumah Anda sudah punya. Apa yang Anda tunggu?
Wayan: Mungkin, hidup saya terlalu sibuk. Jangankan menghabiskan waktu untuk sebuah keluarga, mengurus diri sendiri pun saya tidak punya waktu.
This artifact demonstrates my understanding of the correlative structure jangankan...pun. This structure expresses surprise that "not only X, but even Y is the case." Moreover, by using this structure, the speaker is expressing disagreement with his or her conversational partner's assumptions. In this passage, Wayan is expressing his disagreement with Brad's statement that he cannot get married in the near future. For example, Wayan tells Brad, Not only do you have a great career, but you have a car and a house. Therefore, Wayan is disagreeing with Brad's assumption that he cannot get married in the near future.