Unlike other spoken languages in SDLC, the American Sign Language (ASL) does not have its separate cultural components like foods, festivals, cultural practices etc. ASL seems to be influenced by both the Deaf culture and the American culture. So, when it was time to prepare a presentation distinct to ASL, I wanted to do it justice by touching on issues that are exclusive to the Deaf community. In this presentation titled “The Politics of Deaf Identity”, we have tried digging deeper into some of the biggest challenges that deaf communities face today. They are relevant, thought-provoking,and raise a question about what hearing people can do to help the Deaf communities navigate these challenges. We hope you like it!
**This was a combined presentation with my friend Nibras, who has also been taking ASL alongside me this semester.**
Susmita, I so enjoyed your presentation about Deaf identity. You mentioned that the Deaf community is very exclusive; I am assuming the exclusivity of the Deaf community combined with the ableism and bias of general American society means that many people remain ignorant about ASL and the nuisances of Deaf identity. I know very little about the Deaf community and American Sign Language, but I am happy that I got to learn a little bit through your presentation.
P.S. If you are into podcasts, I suggest looking into the Dollop, a comedy/history podcast. They did an episode on the Deaf President Now movement that is pretty interesting (be warned they are a little vulgar).