Since the beginning of the semester, I've met weekly with Omar Farooq, my language partner for Urdu. Our meetings consisted of reviewing what we went over last week as well as continuing my effort to reach my next learning goal. I asked him about different phrases that I was interested in learning and he would provide me with the translations. We worked a lot on reading, writing and spelling during our meetings to make sure I can easily write and read in Urdu. He also helped me in terms of learning about Pakistan's culture. He was a good resource for the numerous cultural posts I had to write for the class. During our meetings, we mostly relied on his knowledge of the language and did not work with many outside resources. However, I did make sure to review anything I've learned from an outside resource with him during our meetings.
Because Omar is no longer my language partner, I have not met with him for the past two weeks. However, I made sure to keep up with my learning as much as I could. This week, I will be meeting with Hadi Abdullah for the first time. We will review what I've learned so far and I will make sure to keep him up to date.