The writing system of the Greek language is as ancient as its history. Proto-Greek writing was based on a system of lines that alternated length and pattern in what is known as Linear B. The influence of the Phoenicians and their alphabet though helped develop a writing system based on letters. The Greek alphabet consists of 24 letters, but it also maintains an array of letter combinations that create a variety of sounds, such as the combination of omicron which makes the sound "oh" and giota "which makes an "ee" sound. The "οί" combination of the two letters makes the sound "ee" as well, instead of "oee." This is why in the yogurt commercials for Oikos yogurt, the correct pronunciation should be "Eekos" not "Oeekos."
Another unique aspect of the Greek writing system is the amount of letters that produce the same sound. There are 5 variations of "ee," two variations of "oh," as well as two variations of "eh." Furthermore, Greek letters have their own names rather then just being called by the sound they make since that would cause a lot of confusion. For example the letter "A" is called Alpha not "A" or "Ah."