These two weeks were the last two weeks of this semester. So Brenda and I did the podcast and some research about North Korea which is also the topic of my final presentation. During the podcast, we discussed the topics we have learned through the whole semester. We talked about each other’s favourite Korean slangs and new words. We also made up sentences using those grammar rules and suffixes we have learned this semester. When we were making up sentences, I think I was using it fairly fluently. It didn't take much time to think. Moreover, we recalled the movie and TV drama we have wathced this semester. We talked about those classic senses of the movie and drama. Overall, the podcast was good.
The research we did about North Korea was very interesting. We learned about the language difference first. It was bery interetsing to hear those North Korean people speaking their language when I already know how South Korean lanugae sounds like. For me, it is still difficult to hear exactly which word or part of sentences is used differently in North Korean lanuage. But I can hear the difference of tone of North and South Korean. I found that the unique tone of North Korean is very strong and strict, which can also reflect their rigid national characteristics. I would include more details about the difference between these two Korean lanuage in my final presentation.
Another thing we researched about North Korea was North Korean food. The biggest difference between North Korean food and South Korean food is that North Korea does not have as many different kinds of food as South Korean does, and the North Korea has different name for food that appear in both country. For example, North Korea does not have 치킨(fired chicken)which is a very popular and famous food in South Korea. Also, North Korea does not have김밥(Kim bab), it only has 인조고기밥 (rice rolled in fake meat). The original kim bab is made with differet kind of real meat and vegetables. More interestingly, North Korean call coca-cola 미제단물 (American sweet water), where in South Korea it is 코카콜라(the transliteration of Coca-Cola). These also reflect that North Korea is not very receptive to foreign things, languages and so on. They prefer to do it in the most local way. Again, I will include more details about this in my final presentation.
Since this is the last biweekly jounal of this semester, I also want to talk about the future plans and the future challenges I might have. My lanuage partner Brenda is going to graduate this year, which means that I will have another lanuage partner next semester. This would be a challenge because it will take some time for us to learn each other and catch up with my progress in learning Korean with Brenda. Before being partner with Brenda, I also have another partner. So, I believe I can still be on the right track very quick. For the next semester, I want to keep learning the formal written Korean lanuage and try to have every class completely in Korean.