SDLC 113 Cultural Post #3 (with artifact)

June Choi

Dr. Soloway

SDLC 113

March 29, 2020


SDLC 113 Cultural Post #3


            With the global pandemic of COVID19, I have observed many different responses by country leaders across the world. Therefore, I thought it would be interesting to research about the healthcare system and health-related social customs of South Korea. South Korea has been appraised as the “model country” with its approach to the pandemic and its successful efforts to containing the pandemic in a timely manner. Upon looking into South Korea’s healthcare policy, I found that South Korea went from private voluntary health insurance to government-mandated universal coverage that is called Korean national health insurance (NHI) in 1989. The system provides everyone with health insurance, although it does give different groups different coverage. The single-payer healthcare system merged all medical societies into the National Health Insurance Service to get rid of inequity in health care financing and financial distress, and this service is funded by contributions, government subsidies, and tobacco surcharges. Overall, Korea has been successful in mobilizing different resources for healthcare, extending coverage across Korean citizens, pooling both public and private resources to buy healthcare for the entire population, and containing healthcare expenditure. The benefit package of Korean health insurance includes free curative services, biannual health check ups, and vaccinations at public health centers. This system also has mandatory enrollment.

            Based on my experience in Korea, it was very easy for me to visit any type of specialized health clinic for my health problems oftentimes the day I wanted to go without a prior appointment. I recently had to go to a health clinic for my biannual check up/physical. Additionally, visits to health clinics were rather affordable compared to those in the US. I found that many Koreans visit physicians for even minor colds, aches, or miscellaneous health dilemmas. Additionally, many Koreans often wear masks whenever there is heavy pollution or dust in the air, as well as when they are even mildly sick. Koreans are generally very precautious and wary about health problems. Concerning the COVID19 pandemic, getting a test in Korea if a physician decides that a patient does not need it costs 160,000 won (a little less than 160 USD). If a physician does think a patient qualifies for testing, then it is paid for by the government. Additionally, one can receive work compensation for time spent in the hospital. Therefore, people in Korea were more likely to get tested quickly. On the other hand, getting tested in the US costs over 3000 USD not due to the actual testing, but for hospitalization and other related bills . Overall, I think that the universal health insurance system as well as the social custom of wearing masks without a second thought have somewhat helped Korea in its successful efforts to contain the COVID19 pandemic swiftly. Below are some links to articles that I found for supporting information. The video linked below also gives a brief overview on the healthcare system in Korea and foreign travelers’ reactions to it.

            I thought that the national health insurance system implemented in Korea shows Korea’s values of free and equal health coverage to all of its citizens. I think that this is a very valuable custom in Korea, as healthcare is something that no one can live without. Overall, I was very impressed with Korea’s healthcare system, and reading about it in Korean helped me to learn more medical terms as well as political terms.


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  • Hey June, thanks for sharing about Korea's healthcare system and response to COVID-19. I truly believe they do have a healthcare system that should be looked to as a model by the United States. It really blows my mind how the US is one of the only countries that still has privatized insurance and we are now falling behind in healthcare quality due to the high prices that keep getting higher compared to other countries that have universal healthcare that is provided to all citizens and the option to get privatized insurance for some other benefits that may reduce the cost a little more. I remember when the US was unnecessarily trying to make their own COVID-19 test rather than using the one the WHO had already made and charging upwards of $3,000 compared to Korea charging the equivalent of $15 US dollars in Korea's healthcare system and $5-10 US dollars with extra insurance. 

  • Thank you for your post that gave me a better understanding of the medical system in South Korea. The health systems and treatment decisions made by each country really do have a big impact on the country, given that each country is now affected by the COVID-19 to varying degrees.

  • Hey June. I really enjoyed reading about your cultural post about Korea's response to Covid-19. This topic was actually covered by Gavin's cultural post as well, but it is helpful to learn more about the healthcare system in Korea. My grandma is actually under Korea's healthcare and I know that it is a lot better than a lot of other countries' health systems.

  • Hi June,

    It's amazing to see Korea's concern about the health of their citizens, thus valuing equal health care for all. I am amazed by the provision of testing kits for those who may be sick for free or less than $160. I know very little about the Korean culture so I wanted to ask you this question. Is Korea more of a communitarian country or individualistic? I am assuming that there is a sense of community and larger identity that the value of taking care of each other is deep in the culture. 

  • Hi June, thank you for the great post! I also saw news about South Korea being the model country through this unfortunate pandemic and I think their healthcare system is something many countries should follow. I think it is interesting how different the healthcare systems in a lot of other countries are compared to the United States. I also think the United States healthcare system has much to change after this pandemic is over. 

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