This week, we learnt some more complicated vowels which are based on the vowels that we learnt last week. Most of these letters are called “diphthongs”, which means that there are two vowels in one. Last week, we learnt the four most basic letters: ㅏ = a, ㅓ = eo, ㅜ = u, ㅗ = o.
There are four more vowels that can be made by adding one extra line to each of the previous vowels. By adding this extra line, a ‘Y’ sound gets added to each vowel: ㅑ = ya, ㅕ = yeo, ㅠ = yu, ㅛ = yo. Two more common vowels are:ㅐ = ae (a combination of ㅏ and ㅣ) and ㅔ = e. Though these two vowels have different structures, they sound identical to one another. They both sound like “eigh” in “weigh”.
The remaining vowels are all composed of adding two vowels together to make a sound. The pronunciation for each of them is simply the sound of putting the two vowels together. For example: ㅜ + ㅣ = ㅟ = wi. ㅗ + ㅏ = ㅘ = wa. ㅗ + ㅣ = ㅚ = oe
In the learning activity, I would like to teach the pronunciation of the above complicated vowels. As I mentioned, I am going to first teach the pronunciations of simple vowels and then introduce the structure of complicated vowels which is basically the combination of two basic vowels. I will then combine the basic vowels in different ways to teach different pronunciations.