What is your ultimate goal? What is your goal for this semester?
My ultimate goal with Urdu for this semester is to learn how to have proficiency as intermediate/advance level in Urdu language. I do hope to increase the following areas of my Urdu knowledge: listening comprehension, writing and pronunciation, grammar, punctuation, and mostly speaking or have basic conversation
How can I achieve my goal?
- Homework on daily bases: Vocabulary that is related to themes, such as education, school, marriage, holidays and so on.
- Any form of grammar or language structure, that I do not yet know, that is good for my proficiency.
- Listen and watch some of the following: video clips about daily issues, specifically education, situation of schools, and watch news segments related to village live versus city live, marriage ceremonies, schools and education.
- Understand phrases and commonly used vocabulary related to personal and family information, food, school, education, shopping, ordering food and directions.
- Catch the main point in short, simple messages, discussions and conversations and then try to say it in Urdu.