In one of the previous tutoring sessions with Suyeon, we read the lyrics of a Korean song, discussed the meanings of new worlds, talked about the sentence structures and different endings used. It helped my vocabulary and showed my how to use different words in context. As a result, we decided to look at the lyrics of another song. This time I chose a song whose lyrics were much simpler and which used words that I was more familiar with. Before meeting Suyeon, I looked at the lyrics and translated it to English by myself. I did not use internet for the words that I did not know but instead I derived the meaning based on the context. It turned out that there were only a few things that I was not able to translate. After I showed my translation to Suyeon she only found one or two mistakes in the translation. Moreover, after she explained the meaning of the parts I could not translate, it turned that I knew them but could not figure it out as I was reading them incorrectly. This really helped boost my confidence in my knowledge of Korean language. Next we decided to watch the music video of the song and describe the actions in the video. This activity helped me identify my weaknesses. As I tried to described actions in complete sentences I discovered that my vocabulary of nouns is very lacking. Since my vocabulary is built based on watching Korean TV shows, dramas and songs, I know a lot of expressions used in daily life. I am also good at having conversations and understanding what others are saying. However, I still lack the skills to describe things, talk about cause and consequences, explaining something and expanding on my opinions. These are the things I would like to focus on when I take SDLC 113.