As promised in my fourth bi-weekly report, here are some of the short paragraphs that I wrote. Like I noted before, I did not know some of these words beforehand and much of my ability to write them was due in large part to guidance from my language partner.
Note, I typed them out as means to build my typing skills in Dari; unfortunately, for me, this took much longer than compared to when I originally wrote it by hand, and the keyboard I used often messed up some of the characters. Luckily, my language partner was able to email me a revised copy of my typed paragraphs in order to show me my mistakes - I made some errors transcribing my written work to digital. Nevertheless, here it is:
هر کس حق دارد که از آموزش و پرورش بهرهمند شود. آموزش و پرورش لااقل تا حدودی که مربوط بتعلیمات ابتدائی و اساسی است باید مجانی باشد. آموزش ابتدائی اجباری است. آموزش حرفهای باید با شرایط تساوی کامل بروی همه باز باشد تا همه بنا باستعداد خود بتوانند از آن بهرهمند گردند.
Everyone has the right to education. Education shall be free, at least in the elementary and fundamental stages. Elementary education shall be compulsory. Technical and professional education shall be made generally available and higher education shall be equally accessible to all on the basis of merit.
آموزش و پرورش باید طوری هدایت شود که شخصیت انسانی هر کس را بحد اکمل رشد آن برساند و احترام حقوق و آزادیهای بشر را تقویت کند. آموزش و پرورش باید حسن تفاهم، گذشت و احترام عقاید مخالف و دوستی بین تمام ملل و جمعیتهای نژادی یا مذهبی و همچنین توسعه فعالیتهای ملل متحد را در راه حفظ صلح تسهیل نماید.
Education shall be directed to the full development of the human personality and to the strengthening of respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms. It shall promote understanding, tolerance and friendship among all nations, racial or religious groups, and shall further the activities of the United Nations for the maintenance of peace.