This week, Joora and I talked about impeachment of the South Korean president, Park Geun Hye. We read an article in Korean together and learned that Park Geun Hye was the daughter of a previous president, Park Chung Hee. I knew she was the first female president of South Korea, but did not know much about the scandal regarding Choi Soon Sil and the whole impeachment process. According to the article, President Park’s friend Choi had a lot of influence, politically and spiritually, on Park. This led millions of Korean citizens to protest for Park Geun Hye’s impeachment. On March 10, 2017 the constitutional court in South Korea upheld Park’s impeachment. Until the new presidential election, which is in about 2 months, Prime minister Hwang Kyo ahn would act as the president of the country. While reading the article, I learned new political vocabulary words in Korean:
(탄핵) = impeachment
판결 = verdict
청와대 = Blue House (President’s House) comparable to White House in the U.S.
헌법재판소 = Constitutional Court
만장일치의 = Unanimous Decision
선거 = presidential election
I have been wanting to read Korean books and comic books (manhwa) for a while, so this week, Joora and I read three chapters of a Korean Webtoon, which are digital comic books online. Reading has been always difficult for me because of my limited knowledge of vocabulary words, but because Webtoons have pictures/comics, it was a bit easier for me to follow. However, reading Webtoons was still very difficult and I had to stop every couple of pages or so to ask Joora to help translate. It was frustrating, but I definitely picked up a lot of new words and having pictures/graphics to use as context clues helped me understand what I was reading. I might resort to watching Korean cartoons on Youtube to learn more basic vocabulary words before I continue reading Webtoons again.