North and South Korea share a border, but there are many differences between the two countries. It is important to understand the specific culture and eco-political character of each country, I would like to compare the difference between North and South Korea political culture in this cultural post.
South Korea is a Republic, and as such operates under a system of government that allows for the election of a president. The president is elected through a popular vote system, and after election, will serve a five year term. South Korea also has a National Assembly, which is also selected by the public. They have a Supreme Court which heads up the independent judiciary system. Meanwhile, North Korea basically operates on a system of socialism, which is basically communism, especially compared to the capitalist country of South Korea.
Although the people of North and South Korea speak the same language, they have many different ideas and cultures that have developed after the two countries split apart. The market economy of South Korea has done a lot to improve the overall economy of the country. In contrast, the economy of North Korea has had many challenges, largely due to the self-reliant and closed economic system that they use. Overall, the government and economy of South Korea has been more prosperous and successful than North Korea. Much of this is due to the fact that in North Korea, they have a completely closed and centrally planned economic system which tends to inhibit their growth.