Summarize your assessment and goals in a blog post in your learning journal
Based on the Levels of Competence chart, I am in Developing 1 (Intermediate) for Listening, meaning I can understand the main points from conversations, tv shows, radio broadcasts, and so forth. I am in Beginning 2 for Reading, meaning that I can find simple predictable information in various forms of text, such as advertisements and simple personal letters.I am in Developing 1 for interpersonal speaking, meaning that I can go into a situation and likely be able to respond back in Korean without preparation. I am in Developing 1 for presentational speaking, meaning I can generally be able to share my opinion, narrate what is going on, and describe my reactions. Lastly, I am in Developing 2 for writing. I believe I am the highest in writing because writing allows me to be able to conceptualize what I want to say, allowing me to be able to reflect on my thoughts and giving me time to think about the best way to phrase my words.
Based on the Can Do Statements, I am Intermediate middle in interpersonal communication, meaning I can have a conversation with multiple sentences, and I am usually able to articulate what I want to say in Korean. On presentational speaking, I am intermediate low, meaning I can present information on familiar topics with multiple sentences. I would say that I am intermediate high in presentational writing- though I am not very good at spelling in Korean, I can write multiple paragraphs about familiar topics. I am Intermediate high in interpretive listening, contrasting from my results from the Levels of Competence. In general, I am able to understand the main ideas and a few details from conversations. However, I scored myself lower for the LOC because I am not able to do this as proficiently with news broadcasts. For reading, I am intermediate low, meaning I can understand the main idea from short readings if I am familiar with the topic.
My main goals for this semester is learning more vocabulary, speaking more naturally, and learning to write more proficiently. I plan to practice my vocabulary by labelling everything around my room with Korean translations of the object. When I get the hang of it, I think I will ask my learning partner to assign me vocabulary words to memorize. For speaking, I plan to speak with my language partner about conducting our sessions mainly in Korean so that I will practice talking in Korean. Furthermore, I also plan to call my mom on the phone once a week and speak mostly in Korean. Lastly, I hope to write more accurately. I like to think I am better able to articulate my thoughts through paper. However, I still struggle with spelling and knowing when to space out my Korean characters.