(Spoiler Alert for the Korean movie Parasite)
Over break I saw the recently released Korean horror movie 기생충 (Parasite) directed by 봉준호 (Bong Joon-Ho) an internationally acclaimed director. It was a really interesting movie which focused on two families: one rich and one poor. It focuses on the huge difference in their lifestyle and thought processes, and shows how the poor family slowly starts feeding off of the rich family just like a helminth (a parasitic worm). The two big themes explored in the film are freedom and the fact that at the end of the day, all we have to fear is just other humans. I personally think that the movie is more of a thriller than horror.
From the trailer and a clip of 기생충 (Parasite), Prof. Kim collected a few words from 기생충 (Parasite) that we can learn to expand our vocabulary. I’ve added list of the words at the end of this post. I personally like this method a lot because I have seen the scenes in which the words are used so I have a good understanding of the context. Also, I’m a visual learner, so being able to connect a word and its meaning to a scene in the movie which I can visualise in my head makes it a lot easier for me to learn and remember new words.
Word List:
- 공짜 (free) (N)
- 와이파이 (WiFi) (N)
- 부모님 (parents) (N)
- 대학생 (college) (N)
- 미대 (art college) (N)
- 위조/ 범죄 (forgery/ crime) (N)
- 부자 (rich people) (N)
- 사모님 (madam) (N)
- 예술가 (artist) (N)
- 자화상 (self-portrait) (N)
- 역시 (really) (Adverb)
- 미술 선생님 (art teacher) (N)
- 잠깐 (stop for a moment/ wait) (V)
- 과선배 (senior in same field) (N)
- 착하다 (affable) (V/A)
- 반지하 (half basement) (N)
- 암호 (secret number/ PIN/ password) (N)
- 누르다 (press) (V)
- 핸드폰 (cellphone) (N)
- 구석구석 (every corner) (N)