What did you do well? This is the transcript and a record about family. I practice with my language partner's family tree and the sentences that he made at first. I filled out the blankets pretty well. I reviewed vocabularies on family on Quizlet and it helped me to remember the words when I was listening to my language partner talking about his family. I applied what I learned to build sentences about my own family. I built several sentences and they were almost perfect in grammar so I was proud of myself.
What do you need to improve? I think I need to be able to make more variations. I want to talk about deeper things like what is my sister's dream and how much time she studies a day. I will study more vocabularies for that. I also need to speak more fluently by repeating what I recorded. It will help me to increase my speed of speaking.
How do you plan to make the necessary improvements? I will repeat the transcripts and do exercise with my classmates to introduce my family. I will be practicing listening as well by listening about their family.