I learned how to talk about my future career plans to others. I wrote why I wanted to pursue dentistry in Korean and Joora helped me look over it.
저의 꿈은 치과의사 입니다. 치과의사는 건강한 치아를 유지하기 위하여 치아를 포함한 구강의 질환을 치료, 교정, 대치하여 예방한다. 저는 사람들과 대화를 나누며 일하고싶습니다. 사람들을 도울수 있고 사람들에게 자신감도 줄수있어서 저는 어릴때부터 장래희망이 치과의사였습니다. 저는 대학후에 치대준비를 할거예요.
On the second week, Joora, Vana, and I went to Grand Mart and ordered food in Korean. I ordered jjajjangmyun, Korean black bean noodles. During dinner, we also went around and asked each other how our week was in Korean. It was a bit awkward for me first, because I am more comfortable speaking about my personal life in English because I don't know a lot of adjectives in Korean. I said I had a lot of upcoming exams and projects and was very stressed. I also built up courage to ask the Help Desk if they had bibimmyun in stock in Korean. The worker said that they don't have any in stock at the moment.