SDLC 111: Cultural project on food


Notes and Works Cited:

Works Cited
Slide 1: jewish holidays, why they are important to israel and to the united states, and why food is such an intricate part of the celebration
Slide 2: the 5 main holidays (yom kippur, rosh hashanah, passover, simchat torah, sukkot) all have food rituals (fasting, etc) or celebrate food (the harvest = sukkot)
Slide 3: these words all are related to food and eating, some of them i have worked on for a very long time (i like to eat with my family)
Slide 4: one of the most important parts of judaism is eating. when i think about my life as a jew, a lot of my memories with family, etc have to do with food. judaism is so closely related to israel and to american religious practice which makes this relevant
Slide 5: passover: this represents the jews leaving egypt, passover = pesach which means to pass over, because the blood of the lamb was smeared on jewish doors so the angel of death would not kill the jewish first born boys. charoset - mortar in bricks, salt water - tears the israelites cried, matzah - no time to let bread rise
Slide 6: 
Slide 7: rosh hashanah: beginning of days of repentance, not only a time to celebrate a sweet new year (apples and honey) but a time to remember what you did wrong so that is why we mix the tartness of the apples with the sweetness of the honey to remind people that what has been tart and sour can be made good in the next year
Slide 8:
Slide 9: this 25 hour fast from all food and drink reminds jews to focus on atoning for their sins and not on worldly pleasures, are supposed to abstain from sex, etc. comes immediately after the jewish new year in an effort to start the year off in the right way. 
Slide 10:
Slide 11: part of religion is consistent practices that become ritualistic and remind people to celebrate in a specific culturally specific way. in judaism, just like people put on the prayer shawl when they pray, they also eat certain foods and have for years in an effort to link practice with things that everyone can do (eat). even the people that were not able to pray every day for whatever reason could participate in the eating rituals of these holidays which makes them accessible for all which is the ultimate goal of religion.
Slide 12: matzoh ball soup = my favorite!!
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