I have watched a documentary about Malala Yousafzia's life. It was interesting because it showed a real of a whole family specially a life a young girl. From the video i was able to understand good enough. Here is some of the things that i understood from the video. And also please find the link below to the document because it is a very good and interesting story.
Malala Yousafzai was born on 12 July 1997 into a Sunni Muslim family.Yousafzai was educated in large part by her father, who is a poet, school owner where his daughter goes as well. She always wanted to become a doctor but her father encouraged her to become a politician instead since her was like 13 years old. She lives in a small village, called Swan. The life in her village is very different from other parts in Pakistan. Her village seems to be rural but very peaceful and green at that time. She goes to school every day and has few good friends that hangout with sometimes. Malala is a bright student in her school and started speaking about education rights as early as September 2008, when her father took her to Peshawa to speak at the local Press Club. That is how her news of talking about girl's education and herself broadcasted and caused her to be shot by the Taliban
Here is the link to the documentary.
Malala Yousafzai Story: The Pakistani Girl Shot in Taliban Attack