I learned a lot from the cultural presentations. My favorites were the one on sexuality in Korea and the one on Korean food. I have never found myself particularly fascinated with Korean culture, but it seemed really interesting from the presentations!
The sexuality presentation was interesting because it shows how far behind the United States other countries are in their acceptance of LGBTQ rights and general awareness. Some say that the US has a long way to go - and it does - but compared to a lot of the world, we are doing pretty well. I thought the gender-bending movies were fascinating and I like the concept of a gender-bending main character, I just wish it didn't have to demean homosexuality in the process.
I also liked the presentation on Korean food. I like how she tied together the cultural and anthropological reasons for the different foods that are consumed. Plus, I love Korean food - we have a great Korean restaurant in my town and so I found myself familiar with the dishes she was talking about which was really cool!