Tigers do not ordinarily like to eat people. However, when a tiger is injured, old, or otherwise disturbed, they may adopt a diet of eating humans. In 1906 Jim Corbett, a British big game hunter, was called to India to protect the villagers from the man-eating tigers and leopards. Over the next 29 years, he killed a dozen of these animals which together had killed at least 1,500 villagers of northern India.
In the area where this all happened, India has enacted a national park called Jim Corbett Park. Oddly, it is a nature sanctuary and in particular a tiger sanctuary. The man who is famous for killing tigers got a tiger sanctuary named after him!
I have not directly visited Jim Corbett Park, but I have driven on a highway through it. It is beautifully preserved land. At one point during out journey, we saw a group of corn-roasters on the side of the road. We stopped and got to eat delicious freshly roasted and buttered corn in the middle of the jungle. The whole time there were monkeys watching us, and when we finished we threw the corn cobs into the jungle. The monkeys ran to gobble up the bits of corn from the cob. I hope next time I visit the north Indian mountains I can go to Jim Corbett Park.
Above is a picture of a tiger at the park. As you can see, safaris (jeep and elephant) are available.