This post covers Weeks 11 and 13, since I do not meet with Mirwais during Week 12 as it was Thanksgiving.I spent some more time working with tenses in Dari. I reviewed my skills with the present tense and move along with other tenses. I worked with tenses in the past, future, past continuous and present continuous forms, in addition to the present.
1. past - زمان گزشته
2. present - زمان حال
3. future - زمان آینده
4. past continuous - زمان گزشته خارى
5. present continuous - زمان حال خارى
Examples for each tense:
1. I ate food. - .من غزا خوردم
2. I am eating food. - .من غزا میخورم
3. I will eat food tomorrow. - .من فردا غزا میخورم
4. I was eating food. - .من غزا میخورم.
5. I am eating now. - .من حال غزا میخقرم
It is interesting to take note that the verb becomes irregular in the past continuous, when it is not irregular in the past. Another aspect of note with the past continuous is that its sentence structure is essentially the same as the present tense.