One of my learning goals for the semester was to get better at reading through material that was not too lengthy or too advanced for me to understand such as short stories, poems and proverbs. Luckily, during my meetings with my Mirwais I was exposed to all three. There was one particular short story that we read earlier in the semester that I had some challenge with. With this artifact I decided to type up the short story (this ended up taking a lot longer than I imagined), so I could practice my typing skills in Dari, and then translate the story back into English. Here it is:
در جستجوي دايناسور
تولد سارا بود و او يك بازي جديد كامپيوتري بنام جستجوي دايناسور را هديه گرفته
سارا به خودش گفت: اين خيلي عالي است، اين همان چيزي است كه مي خواستم.
سارا تصميم گرفت، بازي جديدش را امتحان كند. او كامپيوتر را روشن كرد و سي دي را داخل آن گذاشت و به صفحه مانيتور نگاه كرد. علامت عجيبي روي صفحه ظاهر شد.
سارا روي آن علامت كليك كرد و يكدفعه اتفاق عجيبي افتاد. نورررررررر
سارا پرسيد: من كجا هستم؟
پسركي كه كنارش ايستاده بود، گفت: توي بازي جستجوي دايناسور هستي.
ما بايد استخوانهاي قديمي دايناسور را پيدا كنيم.
سارا يك استخوان طلائي كه در زير بوته ها پنهان بود را برداشت و گفت: يكي اينجاست.
پسرك فرياد زد: واي، نه. تو نبايد استخوانهاي طلائي را برمي داشتي، حالا بايد مواظب دايناسور باشيم.
ناگهان آنها صدائي را از پشت سرشان شنيدند و زمين زير پايشان به لرزه در آمد. صداي نعره دايناسور آمد.
سارا و پسرك دويدند اما دايناسور نزديكتر مي شد. آنها پشت يك بوته پنهان شدند.
سارا پرسيد اگر دايناسور ما را بگيرد چه مي شود. پسرك گفت: بايد بازي را از اول شروع كنيم سارا فرياد زد، نگاه كن ، دايناسور اينجاست. ناگهان او دوباره همان علامت عجيب را كه قبلا روي كامپيوترش بود، را ديد. آنرا لمس كرد و دوباره...
سارا در خانه اش، كنار كامپيوتر نشسته بود.او به بازي نگاه كرد و گفت: باي باي دايناسور، شايد من بازي ديگري بكنم.
In Search of Dinosaurs
It was Sara’s birthday and she received a computer game called Searching for Dinosaurs as a gift.
Sara happily said, “This is excellent, this is what I wanted.”
Sara had the desire to play the game. She turned on the computer and placed the CD in and looked at the monitor. Something then appeared.
Sara clicked on a symbol and suddenly something occurred. Light
Sara asked herself, “Where am I?”
There was a boy next to her, who said, “You are in the game Searching for Dinosaurs.”
We must find the bones of dinosaurs.
Sara found a bone near some bushes, saying, “One is here.”
The boy yelled, “No. You took a gold bone from the dinosaur, now we have to be careful.”
They then heard a noise behind them while the ground was shaking. A dinosaur screamed.
Sarah and the boy ran but the dinosaur was coming closer. They ran into a bush.
Sarah asked if there was a way to escape the dinosaur. The boy answered, “Start the game over, again.” Sarah saw a symbol on the computer from before. She clicked it…
At her house, Sarah was on the computer, looking at the game and said, “Bye, bye dinosaur, maybe I will play another time.”