Since one of my goals for the semester was to expand my vocabulary and be able to use them, I will use five of the vocabulary words I learned in my last artifact to create a phrase. The vocabulary words are bolded in the paragraph below:
2주뒤에 졸업을할생각에 슬프기도하지만 뿌듯하고 후련해요. 4년동안 잠못자고 숙제를 아슬아슬하게 끝낼때와, 스트레스가 많이싸었을때도 있었어요. 하지만 생각해보면 대학교를 너무 허겁지겁보낸거같아 조금 슬퍼요. 대학교는 조금소란스러운곳이라 졸업뒤에 조용하면 이상할것같아요. 하지만 새로운삶이 시작되는거닽아서 기대되요.
Thinking about graduating in two weeks, I am sad but also relieved and proud. Throughout the four years, there were times where I barely (in a risk) finished my homework with no sleep, and developed a lot of stress. However, when I think about it I feel like I went through college in a hurry so I am a little sad. College is a place that is a little noisy so I think it will be weird when it is quiet, However, it seems like I will be starting a new life so I am excited.