For my first artifact, I have posted a conversation in Dari that I essentially had with myself; which was a lot harder than I thought it would be because I did not take into consideration how difficult it was to think of what to answer for questions I had thought just seconds before. The primary topics of the conversation is an exchange of greetings, discussing exams, plans for the day, weather and a plan to meetup for the dinner the next night. That said, you can listen to it through the link below:
First Artifact: A Conversation in Dari
I think having the conversation with myself helped me a lot more than I would have expected. It really required me to think fast in Dari; which is something that is difficult to learn without focused practice or immersion in the language. I was happy that I was able to react quickly to the questions I had made asked myself moments before. However, I think I could have talked for a bit longer or maybe about more topics. So, going forward, I think it is best to get a little more comfortable with the topics I know and then be able to discuss them with relative ease. I think my pronunciation was decent but it is quite obvious that there were occasions where I stumbled upon some words or did not really know what to say. I really believe I can improve on this by practicing my speaking. Also there were some things I said that did not quite seem consistent with what I had said in other parts of the conversation. For instance, I asked if the other person (who was actually just myself) wanted to get dinner after their exam tomorrow, when it was already stated that the exam would finish at 2:30 pm; which seems quite an early time to get dinner regardless of culture. I also asked how the weather was where the other person was, who describe it as rainy and cold whereas I described the weather where I live as sunny and hot. It does not make much sense for the weather to be so drastically different between two places, if those two people would be able to get a meal together the next day, unless I added more context to the conversation. As a result, I think going forward I should be more aware of what I say and if it is consistent with I have previously said and what I want to say.