안녕하세요 저의이름은 제니입니다. 저는 University of Richmond에서 회계전공을하고 사학년입니다. 오월달에 졸업을하고 DC로 이사갈예정입니다. 여름에는 4개월동안 저의언니와사면서 CPA실험 공부를할거에요. 구월에는 제친구두명과 Arlington에있는 아파트로 이사가고, 시월에는 일을시작할거에요. 사년동안 기숙사에서 살면서, 드디어 부억이있는 아파트로 들어갈생각에 들떠요. 그리고 친한치구들이 DC에살아서 같이놀생각에기뻐요. 졸업하면 몇명친구들은 멀리이사를갈예정이라서 슬프지만, 숙제를이제는 안해도되서 좋아요. 졸업식에넌 저의 언니랑 동생 2명, 그리고 부모님도 올거에요. 다들본지 오래되서 재미있을것닽아서 좋아요.
Translation: Hell, my name is Jenny. I am a senior accounting major at the University of Richmond. I am planning on graduating in may and moving to DC. In the summer, I will live with my sister and study for the CPA. In September, I will move into an apartment in Arlington with two of my friends, and in October I will start working. I have lived in a dorm for the last four years, so I am excited to move into an apartment with a kitchen. Also, I have close friends in DC, so I am excited to hang out with them. I am sad because I have a few friends moving far away after graduation, but am happy that I won't have to do homework anymore. At my graduation, my older sister, two of my younger siblings and my parents will be coming. I am happy because it's been a long time since I have seen everyone.