For the first two weeks, we focused on learning the alphabet. The Perso-Arabic alphabet is very different from the Latin alphabet used to write in English (although sometimes the Latin alphabet is used for simplicity, as I will do here when writing Farsi words so that people who cannot read the Persian script can still read the Farsi words). The first week, my language partner wrote the alphabet on the board and had us repeat it after him. For homework, we had to write out the script twice, with the four forms (isolated, initial, middle, end) of each of the 32 letters. As one of my artifacts, I have attached the Persian alphabet, or ‘alefba Farsi,’ written by me.
After the first two weeks, I went from only being able to recite the alphabet to being able to read and write it!
For the second week, I filled out five LinguaFolio checklists to evaluate how competent I am in Farsi, which are attached.
In presentational writing, I am at the lowest level, novice low, which makes sense as I have just learned how to write. I would definitely like to be able to write more effectively, but writing is the aspect of Farsi I am least concerned with. I am much more interested in learning listening, speaking, and reading than writing. Right now, I can write my name – I hope to be able to write simple sentences and paragraphs by the end of the semester.
Presentational Writing Layla Samandi checklist.doc
In interpersonal communication, I am a mix between a novice low and a novice intermediate level. I can greet and introduce myself to people and answer simple questions. By the end of the semester, I would like to be able to express my likes and dislikes, introduce and describe myself and others to people, and order a meal.
Interpersonal Layla Samandi checklist.doc
In interpretive listening, I am at the novice low level. I can understand some common expressions and pick out a few phrases that I understand in other people’s conversations. I would definitely like to be at a higher level by the end of the semester, as listening is one of the aspects of Farsi I want to improve. I would like to be able to follow directions, understand basic information like the days of the week, and understand descriptions of other people. Listening to my language partner speak every week will help me improve my listening skills.
Interpretive Listening Layla Samandi checklist.doc
In interpretive reading, I am at the lowest level, which makes sense as I only learned to read this week. I can connect sounds to their letters on the page, and follow along on the page. I would like to be able to read simple sentences and paragraphs by the end of the semester, like descriptions of people or objects.
Interpretive Reading Layla Samandi checklist.doc
I am at a novice mid level in presentational speaking. I can introduce myself, sing a song, imitate sounds, and say familiar words. I would be like to be able to list my daily activities, describe myself, and be able to give a short presentation with phrases in Farsi by the end of the semester.