A couple weeks ago, I saw this vice documentary on Adnan Oktar and found it fascinating. He's interesting to me for the following reasons: he's the first Muslim creationist I heard of and spins Creationism on Islam, claims to be a staunch feminist, and is a famed cult leader in Turkey. He has his own TV network, televangelist form, and has written hundreds of books trying to disprove evolution. He rose to prominence in the 1980s during his higher education in Istanbul and appealed to young wealthy generations. He argued against Marxism, Communism, and the like. He sought to intertwine scientific rhetoric and mysticism in his ventures. Not only has he had multiple run-ins with the law for things such as inciting a theocratic revolt and organizing crime through his cults/following, but he's also spent time in a mental hospital.
Everything about Adnan is ridiculous to the public- when I brought him up to Arzu, she scoffed and called him a joke. In this short documentary a Vice reporter, Broadly, is invited to his show. She arrives during the day and receives a tour of the house- in which she finds "fossils"that he collects that apparently prove creationism. Before the show begins, she's taken into the makeup studio to be prepared for the show, however, bizzarely, Adnan's men do not allow these portions to be recorded. Broadly goes on to appear on the show and later Adnan's followers join her.
Adnan's followers are mostly wealthy socialites who describe themselves being "liberated" through Adnan and his demonstration of feminism and Islam. They refer to themselves as "kittens" and are highly sexed up in their attire and makeup- it's evident they use lip plumps, most of them have bleach blonde hair, and wear heavy eyeshadow and lipstick, and even have gone under the knife. It seems that these qualities are what make them feel liberated. To give an instance of how strange the show is, on air, dance music would play at random intervals and the "kittens" would begin club dancing in their seats.
The documentary sought to understand Adnan's cult, but at the end of the ordeal, the events were still mystifying- there wasn't an explanation for why his cult operated why it did, what the logic was behind the "kittens'" appearance, and on what level the entire scenario was Islamic at all. In fact, the entire time I was reminded of our very own Hugh Hefner and the playboy mansion.
Adnan Oktar https://broadly.vice.com/en_us/video/inside-the-weird-world-of-an-islamic-feminist-cult