I met my language partner Arzu Avci on September 22nd! We decided to meet three times a week for 50 minutes: Mondays 3:00-3:50, Tuesdays 12-12:50, and Fridays 11:45-12:35. However, between that time and now my schedule changed so we adjusted our meeting times to Tuesdays 12-1:30 and Fridays 11:45-1:30 PM.
I found a Turkish TV channel on YouTube for kids with videos about random things- such as numbers and alphabets. Everything is completely in Turkish, but there is a lot of repetition and exposes me to words I wouldn't know otherwise! For example, I began watching the video on the alphabet (which is about 40 minutes long), but I learned that "aslan" means lion! I was excited about this discovery because I thought of Aslan the lion from the Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe. Since there is so much repetition and the video is so long, I can watch these videos while I'm doing Turkish homework or just play it in the background while I something else and get used to Turkish sounds and words. I prefer immersive language learning, so it helps that everything is in Turkish.
In order to get more exposure to Turkish, I thought it would be fun to watch a Turkish drama. There's a specific one that I've been meaning to watch about Layla and Majnun- which is just about the equivalent of Romeo and Juliet for eastern cultures. It's been hard to find the show with English subtitles, so I'm going to try watching this version with Arabic subtitles (so far it's been manageable!). I think this would also help in picking up tones and styles of speaking in Turkish.
Among all of these, I also have Mango Languages and Byki to use as resources. I think these two help with reinforcing things that I practice with Arzu. I'm also thankful for all these resources because it means I don't have to plan my lessons as much- I can use Mango and Byki as my template for where to go next in terms of beginner's learning and just reinforce it through outside resources.