Week 9
Last week, I learned about how to tell time which I found to be challenging but also incredibly helpful for this weeks lesson on numbers and dates. We learned about the calendar in Turkey and how to say the different months: ocak, subat, mart, nisan, mayis, haziran, temmuz, agustos, eylul, ekim, kasim, and aralik. We also learned how to say the days of the week: paar, pazartesi, sali, carsamba, persembe, cuma, cumartesi. Then we learned about the different seasons where winter is: kis, spring is: bahar, summer is yaz, and fall is sonbahar. After learning the vocabulary, we applied this new knowledge to telling the weather where we looked at the forecast of the week at Turkey and we had to say the month, day of the week, season, and whether it was sunny, rainy, or cloudy. I found this exercise to be very useful for understanding numbers and dates and I am excited to see how we continue to build on this new knowledge.