For week4 first, I review some expressions I learned before. To practice some expressions such as greeting and introducing myself, I and my language partner did some short role play. The goal of the week is greeting and introduce myself and basic conversation in situation where I meet somebody for the first time. I learned how to say in Turkish, nice to meet you, my name, how are you..etc. To practice more, using snapchat and facetime, I actually make some practice to greet my language partner's friends. It was kind of awkward but fun. I made it without mistakes.
For week5 also reviewd some expressions I learned before. This week my goal is to know kind of some basic Turkish words. I learned some question in Turkish such as "What is this", "Is this a table?". To practice the questions and aswer, I memorize some basic stuffs and practice using some words. Sometimes I leaned some expression from my language partner, this time she just taught me really famous Turkish song. Although I did not learn every part of the song, but just main lyrics and melody, it was jun experience.
To evaluate my goal, I first ask for my language partner to make some evaluation for my conversation with her and her friends. I did it without any big mistakes though it was not a complicated conversation. When she asked about some sentence in English, I can translate it into Turkish right away. Now I can express in Turkish how to greet each other, introduce myself, and make some question like "What is this" and answer about it.