(a) your goals and tasks for weeks 4 and 5
- Both tasks 4 and 5 are related to reading comprehension.
- While I was in Korea, I bought a lot of books, mostly poetry books to practice reading with later on. I plan to read poetry for task 4 and write up my thoughts regarding the poems (most likely 1-2) selected. I am not seeking to understand the nuances within the poem but rather just see if I can understand the main vocabulary and the narrative of the poem. I will be transcribing the poems and marking up unfamiliar vocabulary and grammar structures as well. I will also keep with my Monash book and complete units 17 & 18 during that time.
- For task 5, I plan to use the same approach but with a blog post on Naver or Daum. The blog post will be more colloquial style of speech and might contain some more useful vocabulary such as slang. This time, I will not only summarize but I will criticize the work too. Adding my thoughts on what was good or not about the post, similar to a comment written on facebook. I will complete units 19 & 20 in my Monash book too.
(b) the resources and activities you will use to achieve your goals
- For both tasks I will need source material. For one it will come from a book that I already own and for the other it will come from someone's self-publishing on the internet.
- I will also use my Monash book and Yonsei books as references for unfamiliar grammar points.
(c) how you will evaluate your success.
- I will evaluate my success on both tasks by asking my language partner for feedback.