I want to teach my roommate how to introduce herself in Hindi, and how to ask someone, "how are you?" and the response "I am well". To do this, I will teach her each word, one by one. Using non-verbal communication, I will bow with both hand together and teach her "Namaste", then, I will teach her "AAp kaisee hay" by again saying each word one at a time, and then I will reapeat the whole phrase. I will use body language in this as well by offering my hand towards her when asking "how are you?". Then, after she has that phrase down, I will teach her "meh teek who", in the same process. I will say each word one by one and then repeat the whole phrase, pointing at myself emphasizing that I am referring to myself and saying, "I am well".
My efforts to teach my roommate the how to say "Hi, "How are you?", and "I am Good and you?" was very successful. While I did not time it, I think that in following the strategy I listed above, she was able to master these phrases within 2 minutes. I think what really helped, was the fact that she was putting these phrases into context right away. We were greeting each other, (bowing with our hands together) and then asking the common question that follows in greeting someone. Also, I think my emphasis on each word, repetition of each word/phrase, as well as my non-verbal communication really helped her learn this basic/foundational Hindi dialogue!